شبكة عالم الأشهار
آَلِسَّلَامُ عَ ـلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْ ـمَّةِ الْلَّهِ

هَلْا وَغَ ـلَا بِكَ

عَ ـزَيْزَيَّ الزَّائِرْ ..!! أَنَرْتَ شَبَكَةُ عَ ـالْمَ الْأَشْهَآرْ

نَتَمَنَّىْ أَنْ نَرَىْ قَلَمِكَ الَّمُبَدَّعِ

وَلَآتْـ حَ ـرَمَ ـنَا مَنْ أِبَدِاعَ ـكُ
شبكة عالم الأشهار
آَلِسَّلَامُ عَ ـلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْ ـمَّةِ الْلَّهِ

هَلْا وَغَ ـلَا بِكَ

عَ ـزَيْزَيَّ الزَّائِرْ ..!! أَنَرْتَ شَبَكَةُ عَ ـالْمَ الْأَشْهَآرْ

نَتَمَنَّىْ أَنْ نَرَىْ قَلَمِكَ الَّمُبَدَّعِ

وَلَآتْـ حَ ـرَمَ ـنَا مَنْ أِبَدِاعَ ـكُ
شبكة عالم الأشهار
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

شبكة عالم الأشهار

الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
Awesome Purple 
Sharp Pointer


  حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عُـضٌو مٌبتَـدِئ
عُـضٌو مٌبتَـدِئ

الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 10
نقاط : 30
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2010

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مُساهمةموضوع: حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته    حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته I_icon_minitimeالجمعة ديسمبر 24, 2010 7:26 am

 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته Download

avast! Internet Security 5.1.677

avast! Antivirus 5.1.677

 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته 3299330921

برنامج avast! 5
Professional Edition
افضل برنامج حماية من
الفيروسات على الإطلاق
معه احمي جهازك وملفاتك الثمينة من الفيروسات
فقد حصل على جائزة افضل برنامج حماية

provides a package of applications that aim to protect your computer
from a possible virus infection or other malware threat. If you use it
correctly, and in combination with other programs such as data backup
utilities, it will significantly reduce the risk of your computer being
attacked or infected by a virus, and thus the risk of losing important
or private data.
The Avast! Internet Security application comes with
an antispam filter and built-in firewall. Once installed, avast! runs
silently in the background to protect your computer against all known
forms of malware. You don't need to do anything else - just install and
forget! Active internet users need greater protection for themselves as
they shop and bank on-line. To secure against threats from infected web
sites and the growing risk of identity theft, avast Internet security
provides you with continuous protection from its layers of antivirus,
anti-spyware, anti-rootkit protection, firewall and antispam.

shields. The real-time shields are the most important part of the
program, as they are working continuously to prevent your computer from
becoming infected. They monitor all your computer's activity, checking
all programs and files in real-time - i.e. at the moment a program is
started or whenever a file is opened or closed.

Virus Chest. The
virus chest can be thought of as a folder on your hard disk with special
properties, that make it a safe, isolated place for storing potentially
harmful files. You can work with the files in the virus chest, with
some security restrictions.

avast! antispam filter. avast!
Internet Security includes a fully integrated antispam filter to detect
unwanted email.
Spam delivered to your mailbox can result in your
mailbox quickly becoming full, as a result which, legitimate emails may
not be received. It can also unnecessarily increase the load on the
email server, internet connection, local networks etc.

avast! Internet Security includes a fully integrated firewall which can
be controlled directly from the avast! user interface.
The firewall
monitors all communication between your computer and the outside world
and blocks unauthorized communication based on a number of "allow" and
"deny" rules. In this way, the firewall can prevent sensitive data from
leaving your computer and can also block attempted intrusions by
external hackers

Command-line scanner. The ashCmd program uses
the same avast! scanning engine to detect potential malware infections
so the results are exactly the same as running a scan via the normal
program interface. The avast! command-line scanner, ashCmd.exe, is
normally installed in the directory C:Program FilesAlwil Softwareavast5.
scan is run from the command prompt using various switches and
parameters. To see a description of the parameters, locate the ashCmd
file and double click on it. This will open a new window in which the
various parameters are displayed.

• Continuous protection against
viruses and spyware
• Ensures all mails sent and received are clean

Keeps you protected from "chat" infections
• Stops attacks from
hijacked websites
• Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run
unknown applications
• Blocks hacker attacks to protect your
• Keeps your mailbox free from spam
• Allows safe and
uninterrupted gaming
• Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7

• Improved Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
• New
avast! Sandbox
• New Silent Firewall
• New Antispam

NewBehavior Shield
• New avast! Intelligent Scanner
• New
Silent/Gaming Mode
• Real time anti-rootkit protection
• avast!
Community IQ
• Behavioral Honeypots
• Smart virus updates

Green computing
• avast! iTrack
• File System / Mail Shield

Web Shield
• IM / P2P Shield
• Network Shield
• Script Shield

 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته D9adbb1b1557356abe6dc58

الفوراق بين

 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته Wol_errorهذه
الصورة مصغره ... نقره على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقي ...
المقاس الحقيقي 766x418 .
 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته 36220731

 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته 545454

 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته Infoqx

حجم الانتي فايروس : 44
ميجا بايت

حجم السكيروتي :
45 ميجا بايت

تاريخ الاصدار


لتحميل مفاتيح للنسخ


لتحميل مفتاح خاص باسمك لمدة سنة

من هنا

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 حصريا برنامج الحماية العملاق باصداريه Avast! AntiVirus Pro & Internet Security 5.1.677 Final فى احدث اصدارته 9893073851


الانتي فايروس


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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لدى شبكة عالم الأشهار 2010